W elcome to another installment of a column dedicated exclusively to Old School Gamers and Old School Games from the Golden Age of gaming. These gamers, back in the day, had to physically use a coin or token to start a video game. The earning of these coins was mostly accomplished after some form of work, usually of the hard or difficult variety. After earnings were paid to the gamer, there was the trip to the ARCADE. ARCADE is written in ALL CAPS because it is the Old School Gamer’s origin and sanctuary. It was and shall always be remembered as a hallowed place. Respect your origins. -Joel West (arcade legend and column originator) R.I.P. .
By the late 80’s America had gone “Nuts for Nintendo”. ABC’s 20/20 reports “It is maybe the most addictive toy in history – Nintendo video games. They first arrived from Japan and, in three years, millions of American kids became mesmerized. When they stopped to talk, it’s in a language only they can understand.” (1988).
Parents drove for days to get a copy of the latest in the Zelda series; they camped overnight in freezing temper- atures to score a copy of Super Mario Bros 2. These were heroic efforts, attempts to suspend the Nintendo virus that was infecting their children.
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