As Thanksgiving ends, the Christmas holiday season chaos begins. So many different things happen; not only on the day of Thanksgiving, but the days following as well. People continue to stuff themselves with leftovers, football games are watched, ridiculously long lines form at stores for the biggest Black Friday deals, even though many of them open on Thursday these days. People hang their Christmas decorations and video games are auctioned off. Wait! What?
The pavilion at Adventureland Park in Altoona, IA is transformed from a banquet hall into a giant arcade, where hundreds of used (and sometimes new) video games and pinball machines are auctioned off starting at $1, with some reaching thousands of dollars!
The same type of auction happens again at the same location in March. The auction at the beginning of the year is normally during the Easter weekend and that reigned in great profits. As a result, they will keep the Easter sale timeframe.
This year’s auction marks the 30th Thanksgiving that Tom Rhoades, who is the owner of the Arcade Amusement Auctions (and also a traveling carnival owner and operator) has been holding these auctions. His very first auction was held at a roller skating rink and it was a great success. There were about 160 pieces auctioned off and he did the entire auction by himself. Read the rest of the article here from Old School Gamer
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