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Growing up in the 80s and 90s, playing video games was fun, but visiting the Nintendo section of a store to check out new gaming goodies was often just as exciting. Entranced by fiber optic in-store signage, interactive kiosks, and no shortage of flashy displays, the simple act of browsing through boxes and basking in gaming glory with other kids was a godsend. If your childhood contained experiences like this, it’s easy to look back through nostalgia goggles and feel the warm and fuzzy embrace of youth. But who was responsible for all this seductive, spend-your-allowancehere marketing? After years of in-depth research and hard work, Andy Cunningham, the author of The World of Nintendo Book, has uncovered the truth behind our memorable trips to the video game aisle.

Like any other child of the 80s, Andy was constantly wooed by the wondrous visuals and thrilling gameplay of Nintendo. After buying his very own Nintendo Entertainment….

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