by Data East (September 1990)
This pin is based on cartoonist Matt Groening’s cartoon bumperthat originally aired during The Tracey Ullman Show. The shorts soon eclipsed all other entries in the variety show and spun off to become FOX TV’s first big hit.
In the pin, players try to light the Kwik-E-Mart Laser Kick targets, knock down bowling pins, eat chocolate pork rinds, and ride the Ultimate Behemoth ramp to get the Nuclear Jackpot. The machine talks constantly and features the original voices of the characters from the series, including Mr. Burns, Homer, and of course, Bart Simpson. “Don’t have a cow, man.”
Data East’s Simpsons pinball machine was awarded the “Best Pinball Game” award in 1990 by the Amusement and Music
Operators Association.