Tis I, Sir Guyye of ManDood, who doth inscribe this tale of courage, horror and the ultimate sacrifice in the face of ungodly monstrosities.
When his Royal Majesty, King Avarice of Cupidity, dis covered that his crown had been purloined by the evil dragon Regurgitus Phlogiston, he summoned forth the bravest knights in all the realm to recover the glorious fastigium. As Fate would have it, I was chosen to undertake the crusade. Thus, on the very next day, I set forth with my two squires, Fluggi and Mojo, on the path to glory.
The beginning of our quest was quite pleasant, as Fluggi and Mojo had brought along their instru ments; Fluggi was verily skilled on the Hurdy Gurdy, and Mojo was certainly no slouch on the timbrel.
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