Zach is the son of industry legend Roger Sharpe, aka “the man who saved pinball.” While his pedigree may have initially defined him, Zach has made a name for himself by becoming the “World’s Greatest Pinball Player”, finishing number one on the World Pinball Player Rankings. He shared a column in Play Meter Magazine for years and is currently the Vice-President for two pinball organizations as well as the Director of Marketing for Stern Pinball.
Michael Thomasson (MT): Tell us about the “Stern Army”. How many operators and locations exist worldwide?
Zach Sharpe (ZS): The Stern Army is the official street team and brand ambassadors of Stern Pinball, working in partnership with the International Flipper Pinball Association (IFPA) to help create more tournaments and leagues at public locations. The mission of the Stern Army is: 1) Expand the player community through events and leagues at public locations that include Stern pinball machines. 2) Get more Stern games into more locations. 3) Get more people playing in tournaments and leagues at these locations….
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