In the modern world of the hyper-accelerated push of plenty-o-polygons, it’s nice to sit back with these six old
gems like long lost friends. Flawed and frivolous as they may be, they’re warmly welcome.
Those looking for an authentic blast- from-the-past need look no further than Atari Arcade Hits 1. Those wanting a wee history lesson or see just how far gaming has come over the last decade or two will be equally fulfilled by this package deal from Hasbro Interactive. Six Atari coin-op games have been ported into the PC packet, and the emulation is uncanny- as in very, very well done.
Being someone who enjoys visiting his roots, I couldn’t boot up Atari’s Asteroids fast enough. Wow! I’ve never seen vector beam so authentically represented. On top of that, there’s even a mode that overlays the original cabinet graphics around the edge of the screen, complete with the little blinking LED buttons for 1-player and 2-player start. A further optional enhancement adds some spacey scenery to the background. Nothing too obtrusive, just a little more pleasant than the flat black vectorbeam screen. And I almost cackled with excitement when the old, two-tone “Doump Doomp” sound effect came pulsing out of my Desktop Theatre subwoofer. Thanks Creative Labs. – Read the rest of the article here from Classic Gamer Magazine (courtesy of Old School Gamer)!
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