When you play any type of video game, you are experiencing several elements to make that game cool. There is the graphics, control, playability, characters, storyline and most important, the audio/music. There is not a day that goes by where I play Tetris and then...
There were times in my childhood where I was unable to make it to the local arcade or the local corner store just to play a game for a couple minutes. There were even times when I couldn’t make it down the street to play pinball at one of houses of a friend of...
There is a lot of things that are happening in the next couple of months. The Super Bowl was today and good thing we didn’t see any wardrobe malfunctions. But the half time show wasn’t bad. We were introduced to a few new movie trailers that are making...
Different from your average video game, pinball, which has been around for a lot longer, has been and always will be one of the greatest challenges in the arcades. You never know where the ball is going to go or what will happen next. The same holds true in the...
The Super Bowl is Sunday and the most important question to ask is, what commercial is going to win? Actually this is the first year I don’t care. Lately, the commercials have been boring and not funny and I’m not caring if Justin Timberlake is going to...