Driving games have come a long way in the video game industry. From the old black and white driving games to Pole Position, Out Run, and even Crusin’, they just keep getting better and better. But I will be perfectly honest, I really am not a fan of them....
This is not going to be a very long blog, but I was driving to Wendy’s for a Frosty and passed a Faraway grocery store that used to be an arcade and also used to be a Safeway. But the Safeway part reminded me of a grocery store that I used to go to in Arizona...
So over the Thanksgiving weekend, I was honored to be part of one of Iowa’s largest video game and pinball auctions. These auctions happen twice a year. Normally during Easter weekend and Thanksgiving weekend. I’m not going to get in depth about the...
As a kid, I didn’t really travel that much. Sure I went on those fun loving car rides with my mom and dad and my brother once in a blue moon. But it seemed like those trips took forever. Why, oh why didn’t we have iPhones back then. Oh yeah, they...
Yeah, we have all played them some time or another. And they always seem to bring back that special memory of our youth. But sometimes there is a line that is crossed that may say, aren’t I too old for video games? Well, I will start by saying not in my case....