The second Intellivision game based on Disney’s Iron (1982), Tron Maze-A-Tron puts players in the role of Flynn, a computer programmer who suddenly finds himself inside the circuitry of a computer. The game is divided into two sections, neither of which...
The closest thing the Atari 7800 has to Super Mario Bros., Scrapyard Dog is the type of side-scrolling platform game that was popular during the late ’80s and early ’90s. Players guide an ugly, big-nosed guy names Louie through six rounds (17...
Welcome to the second installment of Brett’s Old-School Bargain Bin, where I point you to games that won’t break your bank account. We’re going full retro this time around (big surprise there), focusing on two key games from a fondly remembered genre that is now all...
Welcome to the inaugural edition of Brett’s Old-School Bargain Bin, where I’ll be pointing you to games that won’t break your bank account. Instead of rushing out to buy a Nintendo Switch for $400 (if you can find it), plus a couple of $60 games, why not kick back on...
Publisher: Acclaim. Developer: Rare, Platform Shooter, 1 Player 1990 Based on Williams’ 1988 arcade game, NARC for the NES was approved by Just Say No International, which was a product of the Reagan-era War on Drugs. Players, as Max Force, must battle their...