Publisher: Acclaim. Developer: Rare, Platform Shooter, 1 Player 1990 Based on Williams’ 1988 arcade game, NARC for the NES was approved by Just Say No International, which was a product of the Reagan-era War on Drugs. Players, as Max Force, must battle their...
Publisher: Tengen. Developer: Tengen, Platform Shooter, 1 player 1989. Despite skinnier characters, less colorful graphics, and lack of two-player alternating mode, Rolling Thunder is an excellent port of Namco’s 1986 arcade classic. On a mission to rescue the...
Publisher : Atari. Developer: Atari, Action, 1 or 2 Players (alternating). 1987 A very nice port of Atari’s highly entertaining arcade game (1983), Food Fight for the 7800 has players guiding gluttonous Charlie Chuck (who starts on the right side of the screen)...
Publisher: Activision. Action, 1 or 2 players (alternating) 1983 The delightful game has players maneuvering an animated chef around a colorfully detailed kitchen (it includes a fiery oven), catching instantly recognizable burger parts (tomatoes, onions, lettuce and...
Solar Fox for the Atari 2600 was a tough call for the inclusion in this book. I love the game and still play it, but it has some of the most simplistic graphics of any cartridge produced in 1983 – a grid of squares, some enemy projectiles, and a trio of...