About This Episode Forty-five years ago, a southern action-adventure comedy set in rural Georgia hit the small screen. For seven seasons in the early ’80s, we followed the adventures of Bo & Luke Duke and their ’69 Dodge Charger. In this Backtrack, we look back on...
Atari® — one of the world’s most iconic consumer brands and interactive entertainment producers — announced today it has purchased the Intellivision brand and certain games from Intellivision Entertainment LLC. Atari will seek to expand digital and physical...
During this renaissance of Atari 2600 games in the wake of the release of the 2600+, prices for those decades-old cartridges continue to climb. So it’s even more important now to know the caliber of the game inside the increasingly-expensive little plastic boxes. In...
About This Episode We head to the theatre to see third entry and prequel in the Quiet Place franchise, check out a website that promises to help you stay on top of the overwhelming volume of media releases, and delve into the library of the ’80s Mattel console that...
About two weeks ago, a user on X by the name of Cear Dragon posted that two of their limited AtariXP carts – Haunted House & Crystal Castles – were defective. Haunted House, he claimed, had the PCB inserted backwards and Crystal Castles, he said, was buggy and...