In this narrative-centric revival of Atari’s classic IP, players are placed in the shoes of a newly appointed captain of the Pegasus corporation with the task of leading a fleet of landers. What begins as a simple task of completing risky (but standard) landing...
Atari brings the computer age home. Again! Welcome back to the Atari 8-bit world of computing! The powerful Atari 400 set a new standard of capability with its release in 1979, and along with its subsequent models, has been loved by gamers and computer enthusiasts for...
Tabletop arcade toys were all the rage in the early ’80s. Coleco was well known for its tabletop machines (Donkey Kong, Pac-Man, Frogger, etc.), but slightly lesser known were those by Parker Brothers. In 1983 they released this version of Q*bert by Gottlieb. Jon...
You may remember last year when 7-Eleven was running a Pac-Man promotion collaborating with Namco Bandai. Well, they’re at it again this year, but this time around they’ve partnered with Tetris on the occasion of the 40th anniversary celebration. They’ve got hats...
Yars’ Revenge is a video game released for the Atari 2600 in 1982. It was created by Howard Scott Warshaw and is Atari’s best-selling original game for the 2600. The player controls an insect-like creature called a Yar who must nibble or shoot through a barrier in...