In the mid-to-late 1980’s, at a time when the Nintendo Entertainment System had taken its place as most beloved home video game system, odd and unnecessary licenses began sprouting up all over the video game landscape. Manufacturers thought that by tacking a popular...
Did you ever wish Atari made a sequel to their hit game “Adventure”? Well, you’re in luck because they did. Sort of. “Adventure II,” as it was originally known, was intended to be similar to the earlier Adventure, only much grander in scale. In fact, the project...
Once upon a time, The Enchanted Countryside was a land of happiness and prosperity. Then, a Druid magician created an amulet so powerful, he would be able to control a dragon at his command and become invincible to whoever opposed him. When the magician entered the...
If Adventure and Haunted House defined adventure games for the early consoles, it would be hard to find a game that exemplifies that genre on vintage computer systems, as well as the Ultima series. Richard Garriott created the first Ultima game, an extremely...
The Atari home computer series is not typically what one thinks of when asked about the better video game systems of the early 80’s. But why not? The Atari 8-bit computer line (400, 800,1200) provided some of the best graphics, gameplay, and outright fun that...