What is it exactly that keeps Adventure so close to the hearts of most classic gamers? This year marks the game’s 20th anniversary, and certainly in that time frame we’ve had hundreds of games surpass Adventure’s primitive charms. There was Advanced...
Craig Pell, aside from being an avid classic gamer and collector, is also known for programming an amazing port of the Atari 2600 cartridge, Adventure, in assembly, entitled “Indenture.” In his words, Indenture will work on: “any PC from the lowliest 8088 to a...
The release of Crazy Taxi has highlighted a split among game players. While most people love the game, there are clearly a few who just “don’t get it.” Typical of the complaints is the remark that “Anybody who thinks [Crazy Taxi] has replay...
There’s something that I’ve been in the dark about for over 20 years now: An obscure, dinky little toy that I was fascinated with but never actually got to see. At least I think it was a toy. Honestly, I don’t know what the hell it was. Its name? The “Smoking Pet.”...
It was 1982 and my good friend Roxy and I went off to see the most highly anticipated film of the week: Megaforce. We were especially interested because that great new show Entertainment Tonight had just shown an “in depth” piece on how the US Army actually went out...