“I pity da fool who don’t own this game!” In writing this review, I knew that line would have to come into play. I felt it best to get it out of the way early on. Rocky Super Action Boxing was definitely a showcase game, demonstrating the power of the ColecoVision. At...
Welcome to the second installment of my Video-Pinball column. This issue, I will be reviewing more recent games. The first one is Pinball Fantasies for the Atari Jaguar. I originally owned a copy for the Amiga 1200 when it came out and now also have it for the PC....
“I’ve got a pocket full of quarters and I’m headed to the arcade.” Do those words sound familiar? If you’re a child of the ’80s, they should. They’re the opening of Jerry Buckner and Gary Garcia’s hit song, Pac-Man Fever, from the...
Finally, after months of searching, you find a new and sought after cartridge for your collection. You take it home, plug it in your system, and. . .nothing! The game appears to be dead. Maybe it’s just dusty. You take it out, blow on it, and try again. Still...
Well, here’s the “movie” issue of Classic Gamer Magazine. I guess the focus is the blissful union between movies and video games. Wait a minute! BLISSFUL UNION? Generally, I’d say that movies and video games are like oil and water – they don’t quite mix. No,...