When I was in high school, the only friend of mine who had an Atari videogame was Rosalind Goldberg. Roz, as we called her, was from a family that not only owned the most ultimate high tech video game player available—the Atari 2600—but also had a home computer! They...
As collectors of classic video games we know how frustrating it can be when we hit upon a dry period of finding classic cartridges and game systems. We know the feeling of wanting to spit nails when seeing the mother lode of rare cartridges walk off with somebody else...
An underdog in the arcade became a winner in the living room. Based on Universal’s sleeper arcade game, Cosmic Avenger became a huge hit for the Colecovision. As with many of their arcade ports, Coleco took a chance in bringing this game to the home market. However,...
Midnight Magic – The game that brought it all back for me. I remember when I first saw this game for the Atari 2600. It was on clearance at a video store in one of our local malls. Having played the game of the same name for the Apple back in the early 80’s, I...
What defines a rare cartridge? All collectors have different interpretations of the word, but to me it has a simple meaning: “A cartridge that is harder to find than most carts.” Here we’ll examine the many factors that can make a cartridge rare. (Examples cited are...