It would seem video games are marketed primarily to males and whenever a female shows interest, every guy should stand, take notice and wonder, “What’s this girl thinking about?” In Joystick Nation, J.C. Herz describes how video games played an important part in...
In the late 80’s a game which would soon be known as Final Fight was being developed as a sequel to the original Street Fighter. Once a little game called Double Dragon was released and exploded into a huge arcade success, Capcom decided to switch genres and develop...
Double Dragon is one of the greatest beat-em-up franchises of all time and Double Dragon 1 and 2 are fantastic games, with the first being a true masterpiece and a real gaming classic. The one downfall to all of the games in the series is a lack of a true storyline....
Known in Japan as Bare Knuckle: Furious Iron Fist, Streets of Rage was SEGA’s 2nd major success with a side-scrolling action, beat-em-up style game, the first being Golden Axe. Much like Golden Axe, which was released 2 years earlier, Streets of Rage had for it’s time...
Here at Classic Console Magazine we are always on the lookout for the newest retro inspired gaming goodness and we especially enjoy reviewing games that are available on mobile platforms. This month’s retro inspired mobile game is brought to us by our friends over at...