Whether it’s early mornings with Mickey or feature length blockbusters at the movies, Disney has been a part of nearly everyone’s life. Not only has Walt and his team basically built the animation genre, but with the help of some of the industries biggest studios,...
Each month in Retro Revisited, Classic Console’s very own Brandon Poe picks one classic game to play. This month’s classic: Capcom’s Demon’s Crest. As I pondered about what retro game to play next, I remembered Super Ghosts and Ghouls for the SNES. I recalled how hard...
When many think of Archie Comics, they think of the teen-oriented comic series starring lovable High School aged stars: Archie, Veronica, Betty and Jughead. However, Archie Comics’ history starts long before its namesake publication. The life of the company now known...
The Nintendo Game Boy boasts a large library of games. According to 2 sources we here at ClassicConsole checked, 733 titles were released for the Game Boy. This does not take into consideration any Game Boy color titles. Compared to Nintendo’s other 8-bit system, the...
Before the Game Boy existed, handheld games by and large consisted of very simplified graphics, most times made up of dots to represent the action. Some early examples of these sorts of games were released by Mattel, Coleco and Tiger Electronics. It required far more...