In 2024, just over 20 years ago, Valve created Half-Life 2, a first-person shooter that continues the story of silent protagonist Gordon Freeman. Once a humble scientist, Freeman now finds himself in the middle of a global war against a multidimensional species known...
In the early ’00s, Nintendo was in dire need of a sales boost. For years, Sony had been dominating the market with the PlayStation and PlayStation 2, while Nintendo’s own GameCube failed to meet expectations. Competition was getting more crowded in the...
Donkey Kong is an iconic Nintendo character with a storied history, transforming from villain to hero over the course of his existence. Though he made his menacing debut in arcades, Donkey Kong has since become a goofy character prime for comedic relief, so much so...
In the early 90s, Sega’s Genesis system was struggling compared to its competitors, so the company looked to enhance their 16-bit home console with hardware add-ons. Preceding the release of the Sega Saturn, the 32X infused the Genesis with richer visuals and...
The evolution of video games has brought about controversial additions like constant online connectivity and battle passes, but some of these newer features are actually quite good. Take for instance the modern achievement system, popularized in 2005 with the release...