Luna City Police Department Seeks Trigger-Happy Hero. Apply Within! WC reated by Irem and co-published with Williams Electronics, Moon Patrol was one of the premiere side-scrolling video games. It is recognized as the first arcade game with parallax scrolling, a...
In issue #12, we started an interview with Nolan Bushnell that took us up to the VCS akaAtari 2600. Todd Friedman had also done a recent interview that we brought part of into this article. We pick up when competition in the home video game space kicks up with the...
The Story of How Tomohiro Nisikado Revived the Early Coin-Op Industry and Inadvertently Helped Save Atari’s Home VCS Console In the late 70s, PONG clones were running amok and the market was so saturated that the coin-op industry was in a real slump. The release...
Sometimes that amazing crossing of paths happens and you just get so excited that you have to jump on it. That opportunity came for our publisher, Ryan Burger at CES this past year when he ran into Tyler Bushnell who is working to make his place in the gaming industry...
Universal’s Space Panic, a rather obscure cult-classic released in 1980, revolutionized game design by introducing novel game mechanics that birthed a new genre. Space Panic is often recognized as the first platform game, as it was the premiere title to include...