Love the original PlayStation? So do we! Here are five PS1 games that we can all agree the world wasn’t ready for. Jumping Flash!: Why?: It was a first-person platformer that played like a FPS, but had characters that felt like a Ubisoft game. It was amazing. Dev...
So many franchises today focus on delivering high-end visual experiences to tell their stories. They often forget that people played their games when visuals weren’t at a premium, because they were easy to play and had a level of fun needed to inspire long gameplay...
The What Ifs in video game history keep the lights on in gamers’ heads and the imaginations burning. The thought of the number of concepts that never see the light of day is staggering. With over 40 years of consoles and games in video game history to look back on,...
Beat-em-up games have always been a cornerstone of the arcade experience, as well as consoles from the Eight-Bit Nintendo Entertainment System to the 16-Bit consoles that redefined the industry and put games in more homes than ever before. From Double Dragon on the...
The name River Raid was- and still is- synonymous with high-energy shooting action. A classic on the Atari 2600 when originally released during the holiday season in 1982, Carol Shaw’s creation is regarded as one of the most enjoyable and original arcade dogfighters...