Released in 1990 on PC and 1991 on the Sega Genesis, King’s Bounty is a strategy/RPG that even the most hardcore of gamers may have missed when it was originally hit shelves. However its place among the greatest strategy/role-playing games of all time should never be...
The Mighty Morphin Power Rangers were a cultural phenomenon in the early ‘90s. Because of that, it should come as no surprise that video games based on the series appear on every console of the era and have their own legacy as well. While it’s easy to have mixed...
Red Faction Lead Designer Alan Lawrance was one of the main minds that turned PS2 classic Red Faction into something special, but the changes during development were far more than you’d think and it was never easy. Selling nearly two million copies on the PlayStation...
While the original PlayStation had a plethora of unique titles the likes of Aquanauts Holiday, Parappa the Rapper and LSD that have endeared themselves to collectors and players, the PlayStation 2 had just as quirky a library. Developed by Zoom (known for their work...
Old School Gamer Celebrates Mother’s Day By Honoring the Late-Great First Lady of Gaming, Rieko Kodama. The pack-in title for the Sega Genesis in North America, Altered Beast is one of the most iconic and noticeable titles in the console’s history. Even if you were a...