In the realm of gaming, especially in the vast universe of multiplayer online battle arenas (MOBAs), the concept of the “carry” has always been a pivotal one. A carry is a hero, character, or unit that possesses immense scaling potential, capable of...
Once professional video gaming exploded into popular culture over a very short period, innovators within the sector quickly tried to identify where the next significant revenue stream would arise from. Professional video gaming continues to make headway into fresh,...
A Modern Take on the Iconic Classic Introduces Sinister Spirits Aplenty and Stealth-based Challenges Sure to Send a Shiver Up Your Spine NEW YORK, June 26, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Atari® — one of the world’s most iconic consumer brands and interactive...
Fifteen years ago, streaming was a word billions of people had never heard of or were not exactly sure what it meant. However, today, it is a common term in our everyday vocabulary, primarily due to the establishment of video content platforms like Netflix, Amazon...
It is always quite interesting when stumbling upon footage of an old arcade game that many of us either didn’t experience or had long forgotten about it. One such game is Atari’s arcade driving game, Hi-Way. Hands-up those who saw or played this game in an...