Colossal Cave is a reimagining of the original text-basedadventure game, first introduced in 1975 by Will Crowther and Don Woods, as a fully immersive 3D VR experience. Colossal Cave is already well known to tens of millions of gamers worldwide. Several elements of...
The Super Mario Bros. Movie is an upcoming computer-animated fantasy film based on the Nintendo video game franchise Mario. Produced by Illumination with financing from Universal Pictures and Nintendo, and distributed by Universal, it is directed by Aaron Horvath and...
London, UK – Tuesday 4th April 2023 – Antstream Arcade, the world’s first retro gaming platform to offer live tournaments, is celebrating its 200th tournament with a special event on the pinball game Slam Tilt Pirate. The tournament will take place on Tuesday 4th...
TVGP Episode 803: Yavin-4: Where the Ewoks Live This week we chat about some video games! Sorry, I’m too sick to type up these notes. It’s like a surprise! Podcast: Play in new window | Download Subscribe: RSS CLICK HERE FOR PODCAST Featuring: Michael “Boston” Hannon,...
The Ultima series of computer role playing games (CRPGs) are set in a fantasy world of combat, magic, and mystery. The first trilogy in the series, Ultima I: The First Age of Darkness (1981), Ultima II: The Revenge of the Enchantress (1982), and Ultima III: Exodus...