Twin Galaxies’ fame had become international and many game manufacturers considered Twin Galaxies to be the premiere organization that represented the interests of the player. When That’s Incredible contacted numerous game manufacturers with the idea for a video game...
Everybody has their innermost desires. Everybody has secret aspirations and goals they hope to achieve in the course of their lives. Some people wish for a new car, some for a better home, and some for a wonderful romantic relationship. Unbelievably, one of my most...
I started making plans to have the Scoreboard grow into becoming the “crossroads” of gaming. It was perfectly fine that the scoreboard had existed so far as a free service to help all the arcades, but I thought of all the fun we would all have if the players came...
W alter Day always had a dream to organize a Make Trax World Championship. He had been the world record holder of the game during the 1982-1983 period and it was a dream that circled in his mind for nearly 40 years, looking for a place to land. Make Trax is considered...
“Hey!” shouted a cheerful voice from a truck stopped in the middle of Ottumwa, Iowa’s bustling East Main Street…“Where can I finda video game arcade around here?” Two men, precariously perched on two tall ladders in front of a modest storefront, swung around and...