A lot of what resonates about retro video games is their degree of nonsense- weird design quirks that might have made sense to the original programmers, but certainly not to anyone else, and are only slightly more bizarre in retrospect than they were in their original...
Retro gaming as a hobby is an inherently nostalgic one. The text of the games we played in childhood is often not as important as the personal meaning we place on those narratives in memory, and how they came to help us see the world. Last year, Boss Fight Books...
The history of retro gaming isn’t an especially long one, only going back maybe fifty years, at least if we limit ourselves to retro games as being computers rather than just complex machines. Preservation of this material can be challenging and thankless. All...
An important foundational aspect of retro gaming as a hobby is the nostalgia factor. Which is to say, how we remember the games we played as kids informs much of our appreciation of them in the present day. Even when, as it happens, our memories are completely wrong....
The Legend of Zelda: Link to the Past and Super Metroid are perhaps the two most significant games of the Super Nintendo era of retro video games. Their emphasis on collectible items allowing for forward advancement through mazes, and the polish on these ideas...