The Nintendo Game Boy boasts a large library of games. According to 2 sources we here at ClassicConsole checked, 733 titles were released for the Game Boy. This does not take into consideration any Game Boy color titles. Compared to Nintendo’s other 8-bit system, the NES, with it’s library of 713 licensed games, you
can see how impressive the Game Boy library really is.
Out of the 733 Game Boy titles released, hundreds are quality games. We could dedicate an entire issue of the magazine to going through and reviewing each and every gem and even then it would reach probably over 100 pages!
Let’s take a quick glance at some of what we, the staff here at Classic Console Magazine, think are the best titles for the Game Boy. No doubt we are going to miss some of your favorites, so if you want to voice your opinion send an email to:! – Read the rest of the article here from Classic Console Magazine (courtesy of Old School Gamer)!
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