Spring Break, 1992. It started the moment the final bell rang, signaling the start of a glorious week free from high school… A week I had carefully planned. But it wasn’t the beach that called to me; it was something else entirely: a rented Super Nintendo from Blockbuster Video, accompanied by four games that would shape my entire vacation. I had Pilotwings, F-Zero, Super Mario World, and the North American release of Final Fantasy II. Little did I know, only one of these games would capture my attention so fully that time itself would lose all meaning. That first day was electric. I was practically vibrating with excitement as I hooked up the rented console, untangling the cords with care and slipping in the first cartridge: Pilotwings. The screen flashed to life, and I played. It was fun, don’t get me wrong, but I didn’t feel connected to the game. I lost interest in less than half an hour and moved on.
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