If you know me well, you know I love a good bargain, and YouTube is about as good as it gets. If you’ve got a device to play it on, such as a modern game console or computer, a Roku device, a Blu-ray player, or a smartphone, YouTube gives you countless hours of free viewing: everything from rare concert footage and sports highlights, to funny babies and cats, to your favorite YouTube gaming personalities..
Some of my favorite YouTubers include Kelsey Lewin, Metal Jesus, The Gaming Historian, Shawn Long, and Kinsey Burke. I also like the Angry Video Game Nerd, especially when he’s being serious, such as with his Cinemassacre movie reviews. These modern-day minor celebs keep things breezy and fun, entertaining the viewer while providing interesting info.
A few years ago, I decided it would be a good idea to begin creating YouTube content of my own. Not only would it be another fun and productive creative outlet, it would bring attention to the video game books I write, which is hard to do in a digital world. Around three years ago, I began a video podcast with my friend Curtis Newton, who ran a PlayStation website that brought gamers together from around the globe.
Curtis and I were a good fit. He kept viewers up to date on all the latest video game releases while I provided a historical perspective. We talked about other aspects of pop culture as well, such as music, movies and TV, trading jabs, laughing a lot, and in general having a great time. People seemed to enjoy the show, and Curtis had big plans going forward, such as getting the podcast on other platforms and adding such post-production flourishes as special effects and gameplay footage. Read the rest of the article here from School Gamer!
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