C64 (Vic20) Computers Homepage at Old School Gamer
The Commodore 64, also known as the C64, is an 8-bit home computer introduced in January 1982 by Commodore International (first shown at the Consumer Electronics Show, January 7–10, 1982, in Las Vegas). It has been listed in the Guinness World Records as the highest-selling single computer model of all time, with independent estimates placing the number sold between 12.5 and 17 million units. Volume production started in early 1982, marketing in August for US$595 (equivalent to $1,671 in 2021). Preceded by the Commodore VIC-20 and Commodore PET, the C64 took its name from its 64 kilobytes (65,536 bytes) of RAM. With support for multicolor sprites and a custom chip for waveform generation, the C64 could create superior visuals and audio compared to systems without such custom hardware. – Information from Wikipedia.
C64 and Vic20 Resources (sites, Facebook groups, events, other communities):
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The Commodore VIC-20: The Little Computer That Could
The Commodore VIC-20, with its iconic beige case and membrane keyboard, represents far more than a piece of retro computing nostalgia. It was a pivotal force in the burgeoning home computer revolution, its influence rippling across decades to touch the digital world...

Why Paradroid for the C64 Was Awesome!
The Commodore C64 was a great little machine for its day, and its games were worthy successors to the Atari games which came before it. One game will always stand out for me as particularly enjoyable, due to its innovative concept, progression, style, and overall...
News and Other Things of Interest to Commodore 64 (and Vic20) People
The Commodore VIC-20: The Little Computer That Could
The Commodore VIC-20, with its iconic beige case and membrane keyboard, represents far more than a piece of retro computing nostalgia. It was a pivotal force in the burgeoning home computer revolution, its influence rippling across decades to touch the digital world...
Why Paradroid for the C64 Was Awesome!
The Commodore C64 was a great little machine for its day, and its games were worthy successors to the Atari games which came before it. One game will always stand out for me as particularly enjoyable, due to its innovative concept, progression, style, and overall...
The Story Of Millie & Molly
Commodore 64 puzzler Millie & Molly became one of Antstream Arcade’s first homebrew indie games in 2021. Antstream Arcade sent Graeme Mason to chat with its creator, Carleton Handley, about how this brilliant game came about. The Game: Millie & Molly...
The Story Of Reckless Rufus
Puzzle-themed budget games dominated the latter years of the 8-bit computers, and here on Antstream Arcade, we have one of the finest of its kind. Released by Alternative Software in 1992 and created by Mike Berry, this is the story of Reckless Rufus. The Game:...
Quasimodo’s Christmas Caper – An in development festive C64 game gets another teaser
We have recently found out through Facebook that as of December this year, Robert Wilson will be releasing his upcoming C64 game of 'Quasimodo's Christmas Caper'; An in development Arcade Platformer which is a spin off to Hunchback Redux (currently in development)...
Santa Claus – A family friendly C64 game by IntoInside for Christmas
With Christmas being about two months away you'd expect to see a number of Christmas themed games appearing on Indie Retro News in the lead up to the 25th. Well that's certainly happened this week, as the first game to be mentioned on our site is a Christmas game by...
Santa’s Workout – The first of many C64 games for Christmas, with Vector5games latest release!
Christmas is here and you'd expect to see lots of Christmas themed games appearing on Indie Retro News in the lead up to the 25th. Well that's certainly happening this week, as the first game to be mentioned on our site is a Christmas game by Vector5games for the C64...
My First Game: Chris Shrigley and Bounder
Everyone has to start somewhere. Even the most dedicated and renowned game developers began with one simple idea, polishing and honing it until their first game duly appeared. Sometimes these would be released virtually unnoticed; on other occasions, they’d hit the...
50th Anniversary of Atari Pong – Pong50(Amiga), Space Pong(Amiga) and PongClone(C64)
In the 1970's Bushnell and another guy called Alcorn released a Pong prototype at a local bar named Andy Capp's Tavern, yet it wasn't until 1975 and through a long history that Pong actually appeared in our homes, and on my very own Atari 2600. Thankfully others see...
Bring back more bones 4k – A rather small yet unique Dungeon Crawler for the C64 by Commocore
Another heads up for you all fine folk, as if you're a fan of the Dungeon Crawler genre, with games such as Eye of the Beholder or Dungeon Master, then it might be worth your time checking out Commocore's latest release of Bring back more bones 4k; a rather quick and...
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