Oh joy of joys, if you loved the 1984 game of Tetris or the 1989 game of Columns , you’ll be pleased to know a brand new puzzle overhaul of Tetris 2 by František Fuka has been released for the ZX Spectrum. This excellent game that was originally released for the...
As the Apple II nears its fiftieth anniversary, it shows no sign of slowing down. The 8-bit personal computer, developed and designed by Steve Wozniak and Steve Jobs, was manufactured in various models from 1977 to 1993, making it one of Apple Inc.’s longestrunning...
Thunder Castle is a 1986 maze video game for the Intellivision. The player controls a knight navigating three mazes, defeating enemies to progress. To defeat the enemies, the knight must interact with objects throughout the maze before interacting with them. The game...
The mid-to-late ‘70s saw the dawn of handheld electronic games and the beginning of my collecting something other than comic books. Console systems like the Fairchild Channel F and Atari 2600 launched in 1976 and 1977 respectively, but their high prices – $250...
Last month, Amazon Prime’s Secret Level adapted fifteen video games to short, animated films. Some of these could fairly be described as retro video games, though the bulk of them dated to the twenty-first century. But one of the odder ones of the full...
The evolution of video games has brought about controversial additions like constant online connectivity and battle passes, but some of these newer features are actually quite good. Take for instance the modern achievement system, popularized in 2005 with the release...