Stern is an interesting company. Although it is actually one of the relatively newer companies in the world of arcade and pinball, Stern has a rich and very colorful history dating back over nine decades before it became Stern. Other companies, such as Atari, Bally...
Chris Williams Games aren’t just games. Sure, they can bring about great pride in gaming achievements, but more importantly, we’ve all had times that games massively affected our lives, whether they connected us with new friends, helped mend old relationships, or...
We’ve featured many different conversions on Indie Retro News from Mastertronic’s classic Amaurote over to the C64 as an isometric view point, to Allan Turvey’s brilliant Arcade to ZX Spectrum conversion of Joust. Well here we are with another great...
CLICK HERE FOR KICKSTARTER Story Demon Attack: The Next Wave and Atlantis: A City Rebuilt are the first entry in what we call the Classics Reimagined for the ColecoVision, Coleco Adam and CollectorVision systems. These are games that for one reason or another were...
The Marvel Cinematic Universe and DC Library of TV and Film properties are everywhere nowadays, including the video game world, but contrary to popular belief, comic book characters have been a fixture in gaming since the beginning. Don’t believe us? Take a look at...
First and foremost, an introduction is in order before you go and read my opinions on game collecting. For this inaugural article, instead of talking to another gamer about a topic, I’ll first focus on myself so you know me and where I come from. My name is Tristan...