Even more C64 games to get through today, as trawling through the CSdb database we’ve come across a new C64 game as a preview called ‘Riviera Story’ by Bladawietz(?). This game available to try, looks to be an Arcade platformer in which you play as...
Release Date: 1977 Publisher: Atari Controller: Joystick Players: 1 – 2 Genre: Shoot’em Up Alternate Title: Target Fun Model #: CX2602 Rarity: 3 Programmer: Larry Kaplan Given that this is one of the earliest 2600 games to be released, it comes as no surprise...
Another retro gaming news story has appeared in our inbox, as Saberman was kind enough to let us know through Facebook, that if you’re looking for a Dragon Ball inspired platformer for your ZX Spectrum, then you might like to play Junterlart’s new speccy...
Greetings, It has been a while since our last official update, and I thank you for your patience. I hope that this update on the state of Intellivision will answer some of your questions and explain where we are and where we are heading. When I took over as CEO of...
Q) I know that the third console generation (NES/ Master System) were 8-bit but what were the systems before that? Was Pong 1-bit? That’s a surprisingly good question but the answer may disappoint. What we classify as the first console hardware generation (the...
A lone pilot, far from home Gravitar: Recharged is a challenging and beautiful game. With 24 misson challenges, an Arcade mode with Leaderboards, Co-op gaming, and an incredible soundtrack by the great Megan McDuffee. It’s available now on the Atari VCS for...