I was just thinking to myself could this day get any better for the C64, and going by the latest update from Games That Weren’t, it just has! Welcome to a new side scrolling Shoot ’em up for the C64 called ‘Scramble Infinity’; A game which not...
We have recently been contacted through Facebook, to tell you that the same creator of PLANET X3, who we know as David Murray/The 8bit guy, has not only made available the Action Adventure game of ‘Attack of The Petscii Robots’ for the Commodore PET,...
When it comes to announcing something from Allan Turvey, it’s usually a new game that’s just been announced such as the case with Asteroids RX, Percy Penguin or even Terrapins. But this time he’s decided to do something different, as in relation to...
Here we are again with another Christmas and what a year it has been, full of incredible retro games such as Snow Force, Briley Witch Chronicles, Scramble Infinity and Sonic The Hedgehog on the C64, to Turbo Tomato, The Shadows of Sergoth on the Amiga and even more...
With one day left for 2021 and something I’ve personally not done on Indie Retro News before, I thought it was about time I also did an Indie Retro News game of the year award for the C64 with the winner being announced at some point on Jan 1st 2022. Yes we may...
With the end of the year fast approaching and Christmas slowly ending up at the back of our minds, there’s still time for us to put in a few games on Indie Retro News that celebrate the festive season. One such game that was released a little while ago, with a...