Prepare for all out entertainment especially if you have a Commodore Amiga at hand, as we’ve recently been informed via our good friend Nivrig Games who also designed the highly enjoyable and addictive game of ‘Turbo Tomato’, that as from right now...
Our next Trading Card Spotlight features Nolan Bushnell, who is displayed on card number 165, from the Superstars of 2011 Collection. Nolan can also be seen on card number 821 and 1333. Nolan is the founder of Atari and Check E’ Cheese as well as over 20 other...
I wanted to write about a unique game I purchased from eBay last year. It is one I think is the beginning of handheld gaming that we know today. There are many things that jump started the handheld gaming, but this device was something I may have missed or did not...
We’ve mentioned a lot of games entered into the ZX-DEV Media and Demakes competition from The Last Escape to Battle City ZX. But now as a complete surprise to us and one I think that will be a highlight for this December, is Voxel Tower’s rather impressive...
While both competing for the same consumer dollar, Hollywood and pinball have shared a long relationship mutually beneficial to both. For starters, pinball machines have long filled movie theaters lobbies and, of course, pinball machines have been featured in films as...
Centipede: Recharged takes the premise of the original Centipede’s “Kill them first before they kill you” mechanics and injects some new life into the classic trackball Atari game. Fans of the original game will be right at home as soon as they fire...