Our next Trading Card Spotlight features Eric Olofson who currently is displayed on card number 2472, from the Superstars of 2016 Collection. Eric has been playing video game since the late 1970’s. He has been trying to break records ever since. His first world...
Release Date: 1978 Publisher: Atari Controller: Joystick Players: 1 – 2 Genre: Education Alternate Title: Spelling Model #: CX2662 Rarity: 2 Programmer: Alan Miller This simplistic education title recreates the spelling game that has taught generations of...
Atari was a corporation that was “born” in 1972. The first arcade game released by this fledgling company was Pong. After that, Atari released games such as Breakout, Sprint (both 2 and 4), Night Driver, and Firetruck to name a few. In 1977, Cinematronics released a...
Derek Slaton has done what no one else has ever done: chronicle every release for the Atari 2600 console during its original run in the marketplace from 1977, with Combat as part of the original nine games, through Klax in 1990 (the Atari 2600 was formally...
Our next Trading Card Spotlight features Eugene Jarvis, who is displayed on card number 144 from the Superstars of 2011 Collection. Eugene is also featured on cards 654, 654A, 714 and 1681. Eugene, who started his career in the pinball world has created some of the...
On Wednesday, August 5th, 2020, Tommy Tallarico and many other vital members of the newly reformed Intellivision company held a special web event to give the world the latest news on their brand new Amico console. The broadcast kicked off with a well-produced video...