Basic Fun’s line of Arcade Classics tabletop video game toys were all the rage in the late teens, but new released evaporated around 2020 – or so we thought! Just in the past week, sightings of a new Pac-Man with a 2024 copyright and updated box art started to appear...
As we all frantically get ready to celebrate, it’s difficult to avoid the seasonal bombardment of the usual yuletide media: Christmas music, Christmas films, Christmas-themed episodes of TV shows, and Christmas books to a much lesser extent. But what about...
About This Episode We’re Generation X kids who grew up largely unsupervised and left to our own devices. That often resulted in “play” time being a bit rougher and more hazardous than those who grew up in later generations. In this Backtrack, we’re taking a stroll...
Fancy a game that doesn’t just have a great starting soundtrack, a brilliant intro and turn based combat for up to 4 players? Then make sure to check out Windigo Productions latest Commodore 64 game of ‘Battle for Cronos’. A game in which the creator...
I was born in 1981, the same year that Jump Man and Donkey Kong had everyone over a barrel and shortly after Pac-Man gave everyone a certain fever. Back then, video games as an entertainment medium were in their infant years and still just a curiosity to most. The...
I remember reading a quote once by famed French novelist and literary critic Marcel Proust: “Remembrance of things past is not necessarily the remembrance of things as they were.” In that vein, our zeal for the experiences of yesteryear as gamers often unintentionally...