The game Holy Heroes was conceived out of a passion for Dungeon Master (MSX), 1986, ASCII – Eiichi Saida. The production of Holy Heroes was meticulously crafted to stay true to the DM niche, preserving excellent gameplay as much as possible. However, various...
The Legend of Zelda Clock This is a cool but sad story of a classic game and how it became a permanent keepsake in my collection as well as my life long memory. One of my favorite games of all time is original The Legend of Zelda for the NES. I remember when it...
A puzzle shooter and classic fighting game join the Antstream library this week. Antstream players can this week enjoy the puzzle shooter Anarchy (Amstrad CPC) and the arcade fighting game Karate Champ (Arcade). Also, this week’s challenge takes place in Double Dragon...
Our next Trading Card Spotlight features Doc Mack who currently is displayed on card number 483, from the Superstars of 2013 Collection. Doc is the owner of an arcade in Brookfield, IL called The Galloping Ghost Arcade. This is not your ordinary arcade of today;...
Let’s hear some Mortal Kombat discussion! The home of Retronauts, the greatest classic gaming podcast of all time! Or at least the oldest. New episodes every Monday (with bonus episodes every other Friday). Hosts Bob Mackey and Jeremy Parish explore the history...
Ask anyone about H.E.R.O, and I’m sure many would share their memories about this great game. A game which was released way back in the 1980’s for the Atari 800/2600, 7800, ColecoVision, C64, C128 and ZX Spectrum! Well if you do remember it and would like...