Yars’ Revenge was released during an era dominated by heroic space-shooters. And while the game took place in space, it broke some conventions of the genre. Instead of piloting a spaceship, you play as a flying alien. And instead of playing as a known protagonist, you...
Happy Independence Day holiday to everyone in the USA, and we hope everyone else is enjoying a great summer! A lot has happened since our last update on Valentine’s day. The biggest news came in a press release at the end of May about our sale of the Intellivision...
CLICK HERE FOR KICKSTARTER Growing up I was team Sega and was in love with the Sega Genesis. I still play the classics like Altered Beast and Golden Axe. Coming soon there will be a new Sega Genesis game on the market for 2024. It is called ZPF. I was fortunate enough...
Not content with all the awesome news we’ve had so far this week, then how about this news story that’s just been sent to us by our good friend Liqmatrix. It’s the work in progress game of ‘Dreadnought Assault’ by kiwilove and playsoft....
Hello and welcome! My name is Katosepe and I’ll be your host for today’s Video Game of the Day! If I had more forethought, I would have recorded today’s episode yesterday so you could all hear it on July 4th but oh well. At least I’m recording this on the 4th so happy...
The history of retro gaming isn’t an especially long one, only going back maybe fifty years, at least if we limit ourselves to retro games as being computers rather than just complex machines. Preservation of this material can be challenging and thankless. All...