Old School Gamer Celebrates Mother’s Day By Honoring the Late-Great First Lady of Gaming, Rieko Kodama. The pack-in title for the Sega Genesis in North America, Altered Beast is one of the most iconic and noticeable titles in the console’s history. Even if you were a...
A new Commodore 64 homebrew has surfaced which may appeal to those of you who like a challenge, as D.Rejment has released the Commodore 64 game of ‘Hermanos’. A game in which the creator says you have to guide Hermanos through 20 levels and collect the...
Release Date: 1982 Publisher: Parker Brothers Controller: Joystick Players: 1 – 2 Genre: Shoot’em Up Alternate Title: N/A Model #: PB5050 Rarity: 2 Programmer: Rex Bradford This movie based shooter is one of the finest, most challenging titles around. Join the...
Well, it’s that time of year again when we all suddenly become sci-fi nerds and amusingly misquote Star Wars for 24 hours, so to celebrate the geek in-joke turned global holiday that is Star Wars Day, we present you a brand new game for the C64 which is sure to excite...
Trading Cards for Grown-ups Day CLICK – The Walter Day Trading Card Collection History of Trading Cards for Grown-ups Day Original trade cards were used to stiffen the packaging of cigarettes, and they were advertising cards. In the 1860s, baseball cards...
About This Episode We head to the movies to see Jason Statham’s latest film where he’s a one-man vengeance machine, check out some innovative and entertaining tech designed to be used in the shower, and play a brand new game that evolves the classic, Pong, into a...