In the distant future, a mad scientist and his army of darkness seek to enslave the people of Earth. Hope for all humanity rests with The Resistance, but are they enough? Enter Kei, a rookie hero who is transformed by mysterious Orb energy into BERSERK BOY! With...
As we said before, it was only just the other week that we informed you that JOTD, who is also behind the brilliant Arcade conversions of Galaxian and Super Xevious 1200 for the Amiga, was going to be doing another conversion/port of the classic 80’s game of...
Video Games — by Brett Weiss Step into a world of gaming nostalgia and modern marvels with our March 7 Sixth Generation and Beyond Showcase Auction. This carefully curated selection spans an array of beloved consoles, including the Game Boy Advance, DS, GameCube,...
LC-Games is certainly no stranger to Indie Retro News, creating brilliant titles such as Bagman Comes Back, Tutankham, Tutankham Returns, Mike Mech, Scout the Stray, Santa’s Troubles and our personal favourite Arcade to C64 game of Dig Dug. But another game has...
Kady and David get together to build a list of their top ten places they’d like to live in any Zelda game. HOSTS: David Geisler, Kady Roberts Find a bunch of great extras on our Patreon page: / anotherzeldapodcast Check out our website:...
Chicago, Illinois is the pinball capital of the world. Stern Pinball, American Pinball, Jersey Jack Pinball and Chicago Gaming Company are all based in the neighboring suburbs, allowing local arcades to feature the latest and greatest games. The Pinball Expo, the...