The Commodore C64 was a great little machine for its day, and its games were worthy successors to the Atari games which came before it. One game will always stand out for me as particularly enjoyable, due to its innovative concept, progression, style, and overall...
New York City is the largest city in the United States. Its culture is far reaching and iconic, and as a result, it has been used as a setting in numerous videogames. The skyline was often used to represent the great city, as it was easily identifiable by the Statue...
We’ve certainly heard a lot about that famous platformer the Great Giana Sisters from 1987, especially as it came back to the Amiga as a Giana Special Edition by Reimagine Games and then of course the Great Giana-Sisters Construction-Set, whereby you can create...
Keith Christensen grew up in Houston playing pinball and video games at local arcades like Good Time Charlie’s and Gold Mine. As a young adult, he enjoyed hosting house parties to share his extensive collection of games with friends. In 2002, he moved the party to...
Thanks to another heads up from a good friend of ours , we’ve been told that if you’re looking for something different to play on your C64, then make sure to check out la1n’s latest game preview of ‘TheHolyCube’; A game in which you need...
Taito’s history is one of change and adaptation. Michael Kogan was a Jewish-Russian refugee who worked in a Japanese factory during World War II. After the war, he relocated to Shanghai, China to join his father, Taitung, in making natural hair wigs, floor coverings,...