In the realm of video game consoles, the Nintendo GameCube emerged amid a fiercely competitive market. While its journey may not have unfolded as triumphantly as Nintendo had envisioned, the GameCube has carved a niche as a cherished underdog within the gaming...
I’ll never forget the first time I played Maximo: Ghosts to Glory, a Ghosts ‘n Goblins spinoff developed by the US-based Capcom Digital Studios and released for the PS2 in February of 2002 (December of 2001 in Japan). It was the summer of 2002, and I booted it up in...
I was out of commission this afternoon hanging out with old friends in Brooklyn at the Atlantic 10 college basketball tournament, but I’m back with a vengeance this evening. The awesome material has been piling up. Let’s kick things off today with an...
Having owned every Final Fantasy up to this point, I didn’t want to miss this one. Sneaking food at work during the day, and ramen packets at night would allow a broke 19-year-old to buy this masterpiece. It was all worth it. Final Fantasy X took graphics,...
The PlayStation 2 was an amazing leap for gaming in the 2000s. Despite the transition from the original ‘FAT’ PS2 to the Slim in America, we saw fewer variations or limited editions. The introduction of DVD/CD Rom, internet, and backward compatible...
On March 19th, 2024. with a sad and heavy heart, Mike Begum, a competive Street Fighter player, has passed. Mike, better known as BrolyLegs, was an American professional fighting game player primarily known for competing in Street Fighter. Begum’s accolades as...