While Street Fighter is a legendary franchise today, with some of the largest eSports tournaments behind it, it’s interesting looking back on the early days of arcade gaming. Consoles brought Street Fighter to the living room, but the arcade days hold plenty of...
Our next Trading Card Spotlight features Ed Fries, who is displayed on card number 365, from the Superstars of 2012 Collection. Ed has been in the gaming scene since the early 1980’s. He ahs been part of some historic gaming revolutions and games. After working on...
Being able to customize your things is really cool. Putting your own personal stamp or improving something you love can be a good thing, however it can also devalue the item if you want to sell it later down the line. What may seem priceless and worth hundreds of...
By Brandon Keenen, Chief Marketing Officer for Antstream Arcade. 2020 was a financial success for the games industry, but nowhere has this expressed itself as uniquely as in the retro gaming space, where prices spiked thanks to a wave of renewed interest in the...
The Nintendo Switch is a force of nature, but there are several notable holes in the console’s library. Old School Gamer’s Patrick Hickey Jr. shares his thoughts on what old first-party titles from Nintendo could be brought back to make millions of gamers happy....
Back in 1998, a small California cabinet making company called LAZER-TRON partnered with computer software developer id Software to bring high-end PC gaming into the arcade. Teaming up with Opus Entertainment and LBE Systems, the troop attempted to stir up the arcade...