I can say for sure there’s probably not many of you that haven’t heard of ‘Metal Slug’, a game in a series of games that are well known in the gaming community, going back to the days of the Neo Geo system. This game has plenty of humor, while...
The first time I played Tetris on the Macintosh, I became instantly addicted! This was a game that gave me every reason to sneak back into the journalism lab just to use the computer again and again. I truly believe it was because of the simplicity and complexity of...
The Smurfs: Dreams is a charming and light-hearted platformer that offers a fun experience for both fans of the Smurfs and newcomers. Although the reviewer wasn’t familiar with Smurf media beforehand, the game’s premise was easy to follow, relying on classic...
As the Apple II nears its fiftieth anniversary, it shows no sign of slowing down. The 8-bit personal computer, developed and designed by Steve Wozniak and Steve Jobs, was manufactured in various models from 1977 to 1993, making it one of Apple Inc.’s longestrunning...
At multiple points in her summary of the history of Animal Crossing, Kelsey Lewin discusses the seeming impossibility of marketing a game like this. She documents the first, almost entirely forgotten clip discussing the game at E3 2001, sandwiched between high...
Contra meets Wild Guns in Neon Inferno, a pixel-perfect cyberpunk shooter turning up the heat on all platforms later this year. Philadelphia, PA – Feb. 07, 2025 – Grab your blasters and your favorite knives as Retroware and Zenovia Interactive join forces to publish...