The Ultima series of computer role playing games (CRPGs) are set in a fantasy world of combat, magic, and mystery. The first trilogy in the series, Ultima I: The First Age of Darkness (1981), Ultima II: The Revenge of the Enchantress (1982), and Ultima III: Exodus...
BROOKFIELD, IL (March 28, 2023) – Year of the Phoenix Productions is leveling up their documentary project Ghostlord and the Quest for Dark Presence with a Kickstarter campaign running through April 28th. The film delves into the life of Doc Mack (aka Ghostlord),...
One of my favorite companies to explore has always been Sierra On-Line. As a child of the 90s, many of their titles captivated my imagination, especially Torin’s Passage. Now that I think about it, there was a Sierra game to cover everything I was...
It’s been some time since we’ve actually featured a PC remake of a classic space game, so to change all that, here’s a rather special heads up for you all it’s Super Star Trek 25th Anniversary. As in the words of the creator “This free...
The Stern of the Union Address, your monthly resource for news, information and highlights on all things Stern Pinball. Without further ado my fellow pinheads: James Bond 007: In case you missed it live, make sure you catch the replay of the latest Marco Pinball...
As you read in our January 2018 issue as addressed by Roger Sharpe, the Stern Family has been part of pinball and thus arcade history through SamStern being president of Williams Electronic Manufacturing Corporation. The Stern Family (Sam and Gary) purchased Chicago...