DANCE DANCE REVOLUTION (1998-Present; Arcade & multiple consoles, primarily PS1/PS2) While there are many ways arcade machines can surpass other forms of gaming, my experience with one particular series and genre stands alone with life-changing skill progression...
Old School Gamer surveyed its friend running nationally and regionally known retro arcades and found out that there are some games you have to have to consider ourself a retro arcade. We started by listing the most popular games on the KLOV.Com site (Museum of the...
So many franchises today focus on delivering high-end visual experiences to tell their stories. They often forget that people played their games when visuals weren’t at a premium, because they were easy to play and had a level of fun needed to inspire long gameplay...
Here is my very first article I wrote for Old School Gamer Magazine’s website back on October 31, 2017. I have loved working with OSG and continue to contribute to the website and the physical magazine. If you are in the Chicagoland area and want some good time...
Our next Trading Card Spotlight features Doc Mack who currently is displayed on card number 483, from the Superstars of 2013 Collection. Doc is the owner of an arcade in Brookfield, IL called The Galloping Ghost Arcade. This is not your ordinary arcade of today;...
Ever since the world’s first two videogame magazines, Great Britain’s Computer and Video Games and the United States’ Electronic Games, debuted two weeks apart in November 1981, printed videogame magazines have basically come in four flavors. General: The...