Aerosmith’s signature video game almost didn’t include Aerosmith. In 1993, Midway Games was working on a new coin-op to be titled ‘Generation X’, and if one listens carefully to the opening sequence, Revolution X is referred to by its original title. However, that...
Those were the EXACT words I screamed when I laid my eyes on the Nintendo Entertainment System for the very first time. The moment has been vividly burned into my brain. It was January, 1986. I was sleeping over at my friend John Gaines’ house. I assumed we’d...
In 1999 and his 2005 Donkey Kong record score. In a video released by Guinness World Records, Editor-in Chief Craig Glenday stated, “reviewing both: existing evidence and newly sourced eyewitness testimony, plus some new expert gameplay analyses and hardware...
THE GAME Like sand at the beach, an ARCADE has zero legitimacy without one, if not two, Donkey Kong cabinets. Nintendo’s 1981 explosive launch put them at the top of the North American ARCADE scene. Stubborn Gorilla versus fearless Jump Man… can this helpless damsel...
Our next Trading Card Spotlight features Vinny DelRusso who currently is displayed on card number 3531 from the Walter Day Superstars of 2021. Vinny is the founder of Video Game 911. This company specializes in repairing gaming items ranging from consoles to arcade...
Release Date: 1983 Publisher: Spectravision Controller: Joystick Players: 1 Genre: Shoot’em Up Alternate Title: N/A Model #: SA-217 Rarity: 8 Programmer: Mark Turmel This shooter simply runs out of gas before getting entertaining. Hop behind the wheel of an...