Consider your earliest memories of educational video games. Does the image of your entire class trooping to the computer lab to practice typing skills come to mind? Perhaps it’s the satisfying clunk of inserting a CD-ROM for a session of Mavis Beacon Teaches...
Metal Gear Solid 4 may be one of the most polarizing games of this generation, but supporters and dissenters alike can come together and agree on one point: Director Hideo Kojima really goofed with his choice to depict the outrageous acrobatics of Raiden’s new...
One of the games that I was personally excited about playing when I joined Antstream was Earthworm Jim. This was one of the games that I played obsessively when I was a kid. The beautifully designed and quirky visuals combined with smooth controls, compelling...
Indie developer Couch in the Woods is happy to release their retro sci-fi action game GRAVIATORS on Steam. GRAVIATORS is an easy to learn and easy to master, team arena sports game, set in space. If you’re looking for a casual friendly esports title, you don’t have to...
Nearly every retro gamer alive can tell you that besides Sonic the Hedgehog, the SEGA Genesis is SEGA’s bread and butter. So many collections, so much merchandise, and even 2 different mini-consoles have been released under the Genesis moniker. While...
Old School Gamer Magazine chats with Exorcizamuste solo developer Toni Palacios Rubio, who lets us know what the development cycle has been like and so much more. About Exorcizamuste: Exorcizamuste offers an online co-op mode where players act as hunters, aiming to...