In the early 90s, Sega’s Genesis system was struggling compared to its competitors, so the company looked to enhance their 16-bit home console with hardware add-ons. Preceding the release of the Sega Saturn, the 32X infused the Genesis with richer visuals and...
The evolution of video games has brought about controversial additions like constant online connectivity and battle passes, but some of these newer features are actually quite good. Take for instance the modern achievement system, popularized in 2005 with the release...
Strictly speaking, It’s All In The Game doesn’t really end in 2006. All throughout, this documentary has contextualized the history of John Madden Football alongside the contemporary development and release of Madden NFL 25. That’s just where...
The first two episodes of It’s In The Game covered roughly five years each of development time- the first two titles in episode 1, then Madden ’92 through Madden ’96 for episode 2. An appropriate amount of time is dedicated for each-...
When we last left off with It’s In The Game, the documentary hit the high point of John Madden Football becoming the huge surprise hit of the 1990 holiday season. A lot happens in the next five years, and the second episode achieves a neat parallel by...
It’s a bit strange to think of Madden Football in retro terms. Yes, the franchise dates to the eighties- but it still exists today, debatably as the most popular video game of our era, just not one we generally describe as a part of video game culture...